Reasons To Make The Switch To Safety Razors

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Venture into the shaving supply aisle at a local pharmacy or store, and you will mostly see blade cartridges and disposable razors. For decades, these have been the predominant tools people use to shave. However, some people are switching back to a less-modern alternative: safety razors. Safety razors are simply razor blades with a special guard in place to prevent injuries. They were invented long before cartridge razors, and they fell out of popularity for quite a while prior to this recent boom. So why are people switching back to safety razors, and why might you want to consider doing the same?

Safety razors create less waste

Think about how many razor cartridges you go through. Some people go through one a week! That's a lot of waste generated over a lifetime. Safety razors create a lot less waste. You reuse the blade holder again and again. It's made from metal and can be recycled if you do decide to part with it one day. Other than that, you only have the blades themselves to worry about. They're made from metal and can be recycled when you're done with them, too.

Safety razors save you money

The other annoying thing about shaving cartridges is the price! They are definitely not cheap. Switching to a safety razor can save you significant money on shaving needs. The razor itself is a small investment, but replacement razor blades are cheaper than typical shaving cartridges. 

Safety razors allow for a closer shave

There is a bit of a learning curve when you first start using a safety razor. But once you get the hang of shaving this way, you'll probably be very pleased with the results. It is so much easier to get a close shave with a safety razor than with a cartridge shaver. Your skin will feel smoother, and you may not need to shave as often.

Safety razors have a nice aesthetic

Many people simply like the way safety razors look. They look simple and minimalist in your bathroom. They also have a specific feel in your hand, which many people enjoy. Holding a heavy, sturdy razor can feel a lot nicer than holding a plastic shaver.

Making the switch to safety razors can take a little time and adaptation. However, once you've made the switch, you'll likely find that you enjoy safety razors a lot more than cartridge razors. They're a great way to have a nicer shaving experience while also spending less.

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Enjoying Beauty Trends I have always loved putting on makeup, but a few years ago I decided that it would be fun to try out a few beauty trends. I started keeping my fingers on the pulse of the beauty market and trying different things out, and it was really fantastic to explore all of the different ways I could add a little spice into my normal makeup routine. I began trying new lipstick colors, trying out sparkly eyeshadows, and getting a little braver with eyeliner. The results were amazing, and I'm proud to say that I love the way I look today. Check out this website for great tips on enjoying beauty trends.

